Chiropractic advisement is for students interested in becoming a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC). Chiropractors emphasize the inherent power of the body to heal itself through proper structure and function of the body. We help students determine if becoming a chiropractor is right for them. Students will learn about chiropractic schools and the required preparation.
We assist students in planning necessary classes. We advise students about other resources for preparation such as shadowing a chiropractor, performing community service, and obtaining letters of recommendation.
We are available to all students regardless of major. We strongly advise students to come in and meet with our advisors to help guide you through your undergraduate experience. Please click below to see the available handouts.
Predental advisement is for students that are interested in becoming dentists (DDS or DMD). Dentists are devoted to maintaining oral health. We help students determine if dentistry is right for them. Students will learn about dental schools and the preparation that is required.
We assist students in planning necessary classes and preparing for the Dental Admissions Test (DAT). Additionally, we counsel students about specifics such as shadowing a dentist, assisting in scientific research, performing community service, obtaining letters of recommendation, and being involved in any other extracurricular activities that will improve students’ chances of gaining admission to dental school.
We are available to all students regardless of major. We strongly advise students to come in and meet with our advisors to help guide you through your undergraduate experience. Please click below to see the available handouts.
Premedical advisement is for students that are interested in becoming physicians. Physicians diagnose illness and injury, prescribe and administer treatment, and advise patients about how to prevent and manage disease. We help students determine if becoming a doctor is right for them. Students will learn about both allopathic (MD) and osteopathic (DO) medical schools.
We assist students in planning necessary classes and preparing for the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT). Additionally, we counsel students about specifics such as shadowing a doctor, having patient exposure opportunities, obtaining letters of recommendation, performing community service, and being involved in any other extracurricular activities that will improve students’ chances of gaining admission to medical school.
We are available to all students regardless of major. We strongly advise students to come in and meet with our advisors to help guide you through your undergraduate experience. Please click below to see the available handouts.
Occupational Therapy Advisement is for students interested in pursuing a Master’s degree in Occupational therapy. Occupational Therapists (OTs) assist clients in performing activities of all types, ranging from using a phone or camera to caring for daily needs such as dressing, cooking, eating, and driving. Students will learn about occupational therapy schools and the required preparation.
We assist students in planning necessary classes. We help students determine if they need to take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and assist them in preparation. Additionally, we counsel about preparation specifics such as community service, shadowing an occupational therapist, scientific research, letters of recommendation, and any other extracurricular activities that will improve students’ chances of gaining admission to Occupational Therapy school.
We are available to all students regardless of major. We strongly advise students to come in and meet with our advisors to help guide you through your undergraduate experience. Please click below to see the available handouts.
Optometry advisement is for students that are interested in becoming a Doctor of Optometry (OD). Optometrists are the primary health care professionals for the eyes. We help students determine if optometry is right for them. Students will learn about optometry schools and the preparation that is required.
We assist students in planning necessary classes and preparing for the Optometry Admissions Test (OAT). Additionally, we counsel students about specifics such as shadowing an optometrist, assisting in scientific research, performing community service, obtaining letters of recommendation, and being involved in any other extracurricular activities that will improve students’ chances of gaining admission to optometry school.
We are available to all students regardless of major. We strongly advise students to come in and meet with our advisors to help guide you through your undergraduate experience. Please click below to see the available handouts.
Pharmacy advisement is for students that are interested in becoming pharmacists. Pharmacists are licensed professionals that provide information about medications to patients and other health care professionals. We help students determine if pharmacy is right for them. Students will learn about pharmacy schools and the preparation that is required.
We assist students in planning necessary classes and preparing for the Pharmacy College Admissions Test (PCAT). Additionally, we counsel students about specifics such as gaining pharmacy experience through shadowing and work, assisting in scientific research, performing community service, obtaining letters of recommendation, and being involved in any other extracurricular activities that will improve students’ chances of gaining admission to pharmacy school.
We are available to all students regardless of major. We strongly advise students to come in and meet with our advisors to help guide you through your undergraduate experience. Please click below to see the available handouts.
Physical Therapy Advisement is for students interested in becoming a practicing physical therapist. Physical therapists (PTs) provide services that help restore function, improve mobility, relieve pain, and prevent or limit permanent physical disabilities of patients with injuries or disease. We help students determine if becoming a PT is right for them. Students will learn about physical therapy schools and the required preparation.
We assist students in planning necessary classes. We help students determine if they need to take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and assist them in preparation. We begin students down the path of shadowing and gaining clinical experience in a PT practice. Additionally, we counsel about preparation specifics such as community service, scientific research, letters of recommendation, and any other extracurricular activities that will improve students' chances of gaining admission to PT school.
We are available to all students regardless of major. We strongly advise students to come in and meet with our advisors to help guide you through your undergraduate experience. Please click below to see the available handouts.
PA advisement is for students that are interested in becoming a certified physician assistant. Physician assistants are trained to provide diagnostic, therapeutic and preventative health care services under the supervision of a physician. We help students determine if practicing medicine as a PA is right for them. Student will learn about PA schools and the preparation that is required.
We assist students in planning necessary classes. We help students determine if they need to take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and assist them in preparation. We begin students down the path of clinical experience. Clinical experience is a major requirement for most of the PA programs in the United States. Additionally, we counsel about preparation specifics such as community service, scientific research, letters of recommendation, and any other extracurricular activities that will improve students’ chances of gaining admission to PA school.
We are available to all students regardless of major. We strongly advise students to come in and meet with our advisors to help guide you through your undergraduate experience. Please click below to see the available handouts.
Podiatry advisement is for students that are interested in becoming Doctors of Podiatric Medicine (DPM). Podiatrists diagnose illness and treat injury associated with the foot and lower extremity. Like a medical physician, they prescribe and administer treatment and advise patients how to prevent and manage disease associated with the feet. We help students determine if becoming a podiatrist is right for them.
We assist students in planning necessary classes and preparing for the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT). Additionally, we counsel students about specifics such as shadowing a podiatric physician, having patient exposure opportunities, obtaining letters of recommendation, performing community service, and being involved in any other extracurricular activities that will improve students’ chances of gaining admission to podiatric medical school.
We are available to all students regardless of major. We strongly advise students to come in and meet with our advisors to help guide you through your undergraduate experience. Please click below to see the available handouts.