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Kye Barnett

MPH, Health Professions Advisor

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Kye began at BYU as a Health Professions Advisor in January 2020 after 20 years of managing non-profit activities with IHC. She has both breadth and depth of experience in collaborating with various health care teams and community partners across the state. She has served on over 50 boards, councils, and coalitions, many of these for over fifteen years. Through these experiences she’s been blessed to work with amazing people in incredible projects throughout the state: fighting child hunger, promoting suicide awareness, improving access to medical and dental care, and protecting vulnerable populations. She has developed and carried out high impact programs including the Dixon Middle School Clinic and the Volunteer Care Clinic. She is passionate about getting students involved in life changing community experiences that will not only help them gain self-awareness and critical experiences, but also change the way they view others and the world.